The Amazing True Story.

I want to tell you this amazing true story.
It means that God makes wonderful act when people are praying strongly.
I had lived in a small town in Ohio from four years ago.
My wife had to stay in Japan at that time. Because her father was having
serious illness of lung cancer.
He died after the hospitalizing for five months .
She backed Ohio after the mourning days.(2 months) Her come back was my pleasure.
We was able to live together again and we thought that we can visit even Canadian
Rocky and Grand Canyon which was our dream.
But I never supposed a terrible incident began on us.

The First Missing

She suddenly missed on the return way from our friends home with her car.
I thought that she might lost way because about a half year she was staying in Japan.
But I didn't hear from her even in the dark.
I asked to help to my American friends and Japanese staffs of our company.
My friends gathered in my house and they asked police office about her car.
And they looked for roads she might be driving.
She never called me strangely in the night.
Her English was very low but she should say "Help me." to some one, because 
she has been live Ohio three months already.
Next day my friends made many posters with her picture then they displayed them 
at near gas stations.
If I didn't have American friends, I would have been only confused and did nothing.
The second night was coming. I was thinking her only that "Where is her now?" 
"Why she doesn't call me?" The temperature of outside was less 35.
I imaged her cold body in the forest. "No more alive." 
I remembered some acquaintances who lost their wives.
"I might be situated same with them."
My tears rolled down my face.

Many People Prayed for Her

My best friend hummed the melody Amazing Grace which was consoled depressing me.
Many church's friends gathered in my home and they prayed her safety.
At our company many co-workers prayed for her.
Young my friends were looking for in nearby forest too.
Some local news papers and TV informed this missing with her picture.
So many people were making effort to find my wife.
The woman who met before my wife missed, was crying but next day she said that
"I'm okay already. I read a chapter Daniel in Bible last night and I believe now.
She is certainly alive, because God deliver her from wrong like Daniel."
Also I opened a Bible. There was a scriptural word. 
"No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is
faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able,
but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be
able to bear it." 1Corinthians 10:13
My friend's dad came to our home. He had been serve for pastor ago.
My church's friends and I made a circle each hand in hand.
In the circle he began prayer whole his body.
I will never forget that scene. It was so emotional.

She was Alive

Some hours later, in the evening, we got an information from a police office located
border Ohio and Indiana.
It was that a police officer found and kept an oriental woman who drove car searched.
We made sure soon she was alive and fine.
We soon went to the town 400 miles far then we backed with her at midnight anyway.
But I couldn't understand that why she didn't call me and ask to help some one.
Next day was Saturday, our friends and we were glad her safe back.
She looked like fine and normally.
But I didn't suppose the serious trouble on the next day even a piece.

She Missed Again

The second missing on April 11(Sunday) was especially an amazing incident.
The early morning she woke up, then she downed into a living room,
I thought simply maybe she wanted to drink water. I had a doze again.
But when I woke up, she wasn't in my side. She missed again with her car.
Her clothes and purse were remained. She went out pajamas only.
I confused because she might be suicide. I asked help my friends at once.
They came to my home soon, and we prayed for her anyway.
We all knew that her mind was abnormal.
From information of a police car, we knew that she went to west.
The situation meant very serious, because if she entered to Kentucky,
the search of her car will be impossible.

God Delivered Her

I tell you the true story which my wife told me after the back.
The early morning, when she woke up, there was a Bible in the living room,
she opened it, there was a scriptural word.
"Take nothing for the journey, neither bag nor money-----." Therefore she left
with pajamas only.
She drove western on R50, but she didn't know where she was driving. Sometimes 
an other car appeared and she followed it. The steering wheel turned naturally,
after driving for 200miles she heard a voice which was "Come in here."
It was not clear in Japanese or English.
There was our friend's house. She came in the house because the door wasn't locked.
She changed her pajamas to friend's clothes because she felt to change clothes.
Then she drove friend's car which was not locked also.
Her car had gas more than half. Why she changed the car? Because she felt it only.
She entered near gas station because a car guided her, and she filled up the car
with no money.
An employee of the gas station called a police officer.
She was saved from unconscious driving.

Leaving Ohio

I understood that my wife needed treatment from a doctor who speaks Japanese.
because the treatment was the most priority for my wife who had a mental illness.
A first missing trouble was not simple missing.
It became from her mental illness, therefore she did not contact to us.
I decided as soon as possible to leave here and back to Japan.
I struggled to pack important goods send to Japan.
For example, pictures and presented goods from friends, because they were no substitute.
The other goods were given to friends. Any way I had time a half day only for leave Ohio.    
The day (Sunday) was my final day in Ohio.
In the evening, I went to evening worship of our church for say good-bye to
all church friends.
The evening was so emotional. Many people said me "I miss you." with tears.
I was surprised because I saw the scriptural word 1Corinthians 10:13 in a bulletin
of the day. And the day's hymn was "Amazing Grace" which was my favorite and
it became to console us in the sad.
I felt God was there. I thanks God. My face was filled with tears down.

I Decided to Live with Jesus

I remember this thankful true story sometimes. 
I'm an engineer, so I have lived long time with science only.
I didn't believe that God controls a human's act.
But now I believe that when people pray strongly God may do everything.
The bulletin of the church is my treasure. I displayed it in my room.
The days attending Ohio's church were very happy for me, I never forget them.
I have very thanks to their prayer because my wife unconsciously drove
1200 miles total.
If Jesus wasn't help her, she would have die and might occurred serious
damages to other people.
After the back to Japan, the doctor of my wife was trying some medicines.
I knocked door a church in my town. I began to attend there every Sunday.
A month later my wife missed again on walk. I asked pray to Ohio's friends at once.
And I prayed also at our church.
Next day she backed herself without trouble.
She was hospitalized. Her doctor was able to try treatment well than before.
A month later, she discharged.
She is fine now. She is working everyday at brother's body shop.   
We enjoy together gardening, shopping, cooking and hiking. 
I believe that she certainly get over her illness some day soon.
Because God prepares everything good. 

Romans 8:28 says
"All things work together for good for those who love Lord and are called
according to his purpose."
We have a dream that someday we visit Ohio's church again with my family
because there are many friends who love us.

I pray that God bless you all and many wonderful American people.
With thanks to God and you all.

                                           Written by Ito.